I got into advertising for the money, fame and unrequited admiration.

After that pipe dream exploded, I stayed in advertising for the fun.

And that fun would not be possible without the following fun creatives.

Listed here by their Fun Quotient score.     


Dom Maiolo | Kevin Brown | Stella Na

Matt Denten | Michael McMillan | Andrei Chahine

Britt Nolan | Mikal Pittman | Charley Wickman

Brandan Jenkins | Lindsay Stevens | Jamie Mack

Tim White | Denison Kusano | Jesse Bowen

Ben Doessel | James Lee | Rob McDowell

Rick Hamann | Marshall Ross | Conn Newton

Amy Gozalka | Andres Shiling | Tiffany Williams

Rick Standley | Ashley Stevens | Steve Gonzalez

Jim Bernardin | Bill Dow | Chad Verly

Carlos Fernandez | Sangbum Kim | Eman Shaheen  

Cramer-Krasselt / 2019 - This exact moment / Tropicana, Porsche, Corona

Leo Burnett / 2013 - 2019 / Allstate, Firestone, Nintendo

